Peeps Bouquet

Peeps Bouquet
Peeps Bouquet

Brighten someone’s day with a fun, fall, edible bouquet!

The Peep bouquet is perfect for any college student.  It’s an easy treat for your student to share with fellow roommates or dorm mates!  It is easy, fun and inexpensive!

Peeps Bouquet
Peeps Bouquet

My daughter’s freshman year, she was living in the dorms and I thought it would be fun to send a gift easily shared with others.  I sent her the Peeps bouquet and she was so excited to receive it, she promptly hit the hall and shared the treat with other homesick freshmen.  It worked perfectly!

This year, even though she is in an apartment, I thought it would be fun for the treat bouquet to double as a Halloween decoration!  OK – it probably won’t last long as a decoration, but it will be cute for a little while!


Peeps – I used one package of pumpkin peeps and one package of ghosts – scary!!

Bamboo Skewers

Container – I filled the container with foam and covered the foam with dried moss!  The container I found at Target for $1

Ribbon – I created a bow and attached it to a Bamboo fork with floral wire!

Pots for Peeps Bouquet
Pots for Peeps Bouquet
Bow for Peeps Bouquet
Bow for Peeps Bouquet

Since I needed to mail my bouquet, I bagged the Peeps and sealed the moss covered pot with GLAD’s Press’n Seal (love that stuff)

Peeps Bouquet ready for sending!
Peeps Bouquet ready for sending!

Now go out and make someone’s day with a Peeps Bouquet!

Peeps Bouquet ready for sending!
Peeps Bouquet ready for sending!

Here is my daughter with her Peeps Bouquet!
If I’m not mistaken, I believe a few Peeps are missing!

Robyn & her Peeps Bouquet
Robyn & her Peeps Bouquet